Saturday, January 2, 2010

Repost New Year CountDown Blitz 2010 Results

Playing chess on New Year's DayImage by Howard N2GOT via Flickr
Due to some difficulty in reading of the previous tables which were posted on, I have reposted the results with some improvements made to ensure the quality of the tables are readable by the participating players for their own personal perusal and information. Happy New Year 2010 to everyone!
Table 1. Overall Table, New Year Countdown Blitz 2010 (31 Dec. 2009)
Round-by-round result of chess blitz from round 1 to round 17 (done by rescanning printed hardcopies)
rdOneToRdSix rdSevenToRdEleven
Table 2. Round 1 to Round 6.                 Table 3. Round 7 to Round 11.rd12tord17
Table 4. Round 12 to Round 17.
(posted by firey_rook and information from Najib Wahab, arbiter of the event)
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