Meanwhile pacesetter, Puteri Rifqah Fahada, (Girls U10) scored a draw against a Georgian lass in the 8th round. She remains in the top20 of her category with 5.5 points from 8 rounds. The WYCC 2010 has 11 rounds in all. Three rounds remain. The last round will be played at 10 am on Saturday, 30 October 2010.
Malaysia scored 5 wins and 3 draws in round 8. The winner’s roll of honours this time around were William Lee Kah Howe (Open U12), Mohd Nabil b Azman Hisham (Open U16), WCM Nur Nabila Azman Hisham (Girls U14), WFM Nur Najiha Azman Hisham (Girls U12) and Camilia Johari (Girls U12).
Individual Performances of the Malaysians Up To Round 8. Both Puteri Rifqah and Wong Yinn Long are steady with ranks 17 and 26 in their respective categories. WFM Nur Najiha is now making steady progress with 4.5 points, winning the last three games. She is now ranked 47th in her category. Her elder sister, WCM Nur Nabila is also progressing steadily with two consecutive wins so far with 4.5 points, too! Camilia bt Johari is fairly steady, scoring a similar 4.5 points with a ranked 41st in her category.
CM Amier Hamzah (pix left) scored 3.5 points so far is currently ranked 95th in his category Open U10.
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Official website of World Youth Chess Championship 2010, Greece:
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