A website dedicated to chess, chess openings, middlegame, endgames, and analysis of games related to chess. Any news related to chess events in Malaysia.
Bio on Cuban chess legend, Román Hernández Onna
Roman Hernandez (center) analyzing with onlookers. Román Hernández Onna is
the subject of a recent biography covering his life and games. Jose
Guillermo ...
Kelas Catur Personal Bersemuka
Malam semalam GiLoCatur ada kelas catur bersemuka dengan seorang pelajar.
Kelas kali kelima. Ajar dari zero walaupun pelajar sudah tahu susun buah
dan ger...
Incident at KL Chess Classic
My student was playing against the adult player, Lim Sim Leong A closed
position was reached and both sides started repeating moves. Student
offered a draw...
I am back
My dear friends, By the technical fault, i couldn't able to open and post
my blogs since 11 months. But i am back again. Wait for my new posts. Thank
MNYCC 2018: Registration for Selangorians
Source: CAS website
The Malaysian National Youth Chess Championships 2018 will be organized by
Johor Chess Association at Level 36, Johor Bahru City Square...
Chess Tournaments in Malaysia 2018
29 December 2017, Kuala Lumpur - To see more upcoming chess tournaments in
Malaysia for the year 2018, please visit this link here -
Olahragawan UTM 2016 (Kategori Staf)
Alhamdulillah, tanggal 16 Mei 2017, buat kali kedua telah dinobatkan
sebagai Olahragawan UTM 2016 selepas kali pertama telah ambo menangi pada
tahun 2013. ...
Semalam berakhirlah sudah kejohanan pekan open yang berlangsung selama dua
hari dari 24-25 oktober 2015 lapan pusingan,kawalan masa 45minit + 15 saat
hosting terbaik untuk bisnis online profesional
hosting terbaik untuk bisnis online profesional Cloud computing metafora:
Untuk petunjuk, elemen-elemen jaringan yang mewakili penyedia jasa-
diberikan tid...
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