30 June 2010, Kuala Lumpur – How well does one know their openings? I happened to read an interesting article on chess openings and it has a quiz to test your knowledge on irregular openings.
Here is the article from Alexandra Kosteniuk’s blog for your reading pleasure.

“Hello Everyone!
I guess, You must know very well your 1.e4 and 1. d4 openings but do you roll your eyes when your opponent starts off with something like 1.b4 or 1.g4?
Do you know the answers to the following questions?
1. Which opening move characterizes the Grob opening or Grob's Attack?
2. What is Benko's Opening?
3. What is the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings (ECO) designation for irregular openings?
4. Which opening is more commonly known as the Dunst Opening?
5. Which of the following is a name for 1.h4?
Check your knowledge of unusual openings in an interesting quiz we found here. The questions are fun to answer.”
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
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