KTJ Invitational Chess Tournament 2009
The chess club of Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar will be organising THE 1st Invitational Chess Tournament.
Venue : Tuanku Najihah Hall, Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar
New Date : 3 October 2009 (Saturday)
Time : 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Entry Fees : RM36 per team(3 players)
Any further information contact See Wei Jie (016-6043911) weijie@ktj.edu.my /Khaw Yao Shun (0124079836) kys13a@hotmail.com
1. This tournament will be based on the FIDE 7 Round Swiss System.
2. The number of participants is cap at a maximum 100 players (50 players each category).
3. A school can only consist up to 3 people. (Cumulative for 3 player point will be taken)
4. Age is taken as of 1st of January 2009.
5. Each game will have a time control of 30 minutes per side.
6. A case of walk over will be granted if a player did not turn up for 5 minutes. In the eventuality that both players are absent, both will lose the game.
7. Players that are absent without a valid reason will be removed in the next round.
8. The organizing committee reserves the right to make amendments or any changes to the rules and regulation if the need arises.
9. To register, send an email to weijie@ktj.edu.my and cc it to kys13a@hotmail.com. State your name, identity card no, contact number, e-mail address and institution. If you are a rated player please do state your ratings as well.
10. Deadline of registration is on 25 September. Any late registration will only be catered if there are still places available.
11. All payment must be done on spot latest by 8.45am at the secretariat on that day itself.
12. Lunch will be provided for at RM5 per individual and it is optional.
Any Enquiry can be directed to: See Wei Jie +016-6043911
Khaw Yao Shun +012-4079836
Standings Under 16 Open
Champion Medal + Cert Medal + Cert
1st Runner-up Medal + Cert Medal + Cert
2nd Runner-up Medal + Cert Medal + Cert
4th place Medal + Cert Medal + Cert
5th place Medal + Cert Medal + Cert
Best Ladies Medal + Cert Medal + Cert
Institution Prizes
Champion Trophy + Hampers Trophy + Hampers
1st Runner-up Trophy + Hampers Trophy + Hampers
2nd Runner-up Trophy + Hampers Trophy + Hampers
Time Program
0815 – 0845 Registration
0900 – 1000 Round 1
1000 – 1100 Round 2
1100 – 1200 Round 3
1200 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1400 Round 4
1400 – 1500 Round 5
1500 – 1600 Round 6
1600 – 1700 Round 7
1700 – 1800 Closing Ceremony
(source: hairulovchessmaniacs.blogspot.com)
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