(9) Firey_rook (GiLoCatur Gambit) - Sahir Sarifdin (17 Chess Club) [C00]
Liga Catur Shah Alam 2009 Shah Alam, Selangor, 07.08.2009
Liga Catur Shah Alam 2009 Shah Alam, Selangor, 07.08.2009
C00: French: Unusual White 2nd moves 1.e2-e4 e7-e6 2.Ng1–f3 d7-d5 3.Bf1–b5+ Bc8-d7 4.Bb5xd7+ Nb8xd7 5.Nb1–c3N [5.e4xd5 e6xd5 6.0–0 Ng8-f6 (6...Bf8-d6 7.d2-d4 Ng8-f6 8.Rf1–e1+ Bd6-e7 9.Bc1–g5 0–0 10.Nf3-e5 Rf8-e8 11.Ne5xd7 Qd8xd7 12.Nb1–c3 c7-c6 13.Qd1–d2 h7-h6 14.Bg5-h4 Nf6-h5 15.Bh4xe7 Re8xe7 16.Re1xe7 Qd7xe7 17.Ra1–e1 Qe7-d7 18.Qd2-e3 Kg8-f8 19.Nc3-e2 Ra8-e8 20.Qe3-f3 Nh5-f6 21.Ne2-g3 Aslan,O-La Rosa,A/ICC INT 2009/Mega2009 Update 11/0–1) 7.d2-d4 (7.Qd1–e2+ Bf8-e7 8.d2-d3 0–0 9.h2-h3 Rf8-e8 10.Nf3-g5 Be7-b4 11.Qe2-f3 Nd7-e5 12.Qf3-g3 d5-d4 13.c2-c3 d4xc3 14.b2xc3 Bb4xc3 15.Nb1xc3 Ne5xd3 16.Bc1–a3 Nf6-h5 17.Qg3-h4 Nh5-f4 18.Qh4xh
7# 1–0 Ludewig,A-Banert,M/Sebnitz 2002/EXT 2003) 7...Bf8-e7 8.Nb1–c3 h7-h6 9.Rf1–e1 0–0 10.Bc1–f4 Rf8-e8 11.Nc3-b5 Be7-d6 12.Nb5xd6 c7xd6 13.Bf4xd6 Nd7-b6 14.Re1xe8+ Nf6xe8 15.Bd6-e5 Nb6-c4 16.b2-b3 Nc4-a3 17.Qd1–e2 Ra8-c8 18.Ra1–c1 Rc8-c3 19.h2-h3 Qd8-c8 Mundaray,J-Perez Ponsa,F/Guaymallen 2001/EXT 2002/½–½ (45); 5.d2-d3 Ng8-f6 6.Nb1–c3 Bf8-e7 7.Bc1–g5 0–0 8.Bg5xf6 Nd7xf6 9.Nf3-e5 d5xe4 10.d3xe4 Qd8xd1+ 11.Ra1xd1 Ra8-d8 12.0–0 Rd8xd1 13.Rf1xd1 Rf8-d8 14.Rd1xd8+ Be7xd8 15.Nc3-b5 a7-a6 16.Nb5-c3 b7-b5 17.b2-b3 c7-c5 18.a2-a4 b5-b4 19.Ne5-c6 Bd8-c7 Kopnicka,H (1350)-Kahancova,J (1350)/Liptovsky Mikulas 2005/EXT 2008/0–1 (60); 5.e4xd5 e6xd5 6.0–0 Bf8-d6=] 5...c7-c6 Consolidates b5 [5...d5xe4 6.Nc3xe4 Ng8-f6 7.d2-d3=] 6.0–0 d5xe4 7.Nc3xe4 Ng8-f6 8.Rf1–e1 Bf8-e7 9.d2-d4 0–0 10.c2-c3 Prevents intrusion on b4 10...Nf6xe4 11.Re1xe4 Nd7-f6 12.Re4-e5 Be7-d6 Black threatens to win material: Bd6xe5 13.Re5-e1 Qd8-c7 14.Qd1–c2 h7-h6 Covers g5 15.Nf3-e5 [Diagram 1. White knight at e5 blocks the path of Black bishop at d6] Nf6-d7 [15...c6-c5 16.Bc1–e3³] 16.f2-f4 c6-c5 17.Ne5xd7 [17.Bc1–e3 Rf8-d8=] 17...Qc7xd7³ 18.Bc1–e3 Ra8-c8 [18...c5xd4 19.Be3xd4 Bd6xf4 20.Ra1–d1³] 19.Qc2-f2 [19.Ra1–d1 c5xd4 20.Be3xd4 Rf8-d8= (20...Bd6xf4? doesn't lead to anything significant 21.Bd4-e5 Bf4xh2+ 22.Kg1xh2+-) ] 19...Qd7-c6 [19...c5-c4 20.Ra1–d1=] 20.Ra1–c1 [20.d4xc5 Bd6xc5 21.Be3xc5 Qc6xc5 22.Qf2xc5 Rc8xc5²] 20...c5xd4 [20...c5-c4 21.f4-f5=] 21.Be3xd4= Bd6-c5 22.b2-b4 [¹22.Bd4xc5!? is an interesting alternative 22...Qc6xc5 23.Qf2xc5 Rc8xc5 24.Rc1–d1²] 22...Bc5xd4³ 23.Qf2xd4 b7-b6 [23...Rf8-d8 24.Qd4-f2³ (24.Qd4xa7?? a poisoned pawn 24...Rd8-d2 25.Qa7-f2 Rd2xf2 26.Kg1xf2 Qc6-b6+ 27.Kf2-f3 Rc8-c4–+) ] 24.a2-a3 [24.Re1–d1!?= is worth looking at] 24...Rf8-d8µ 25.Qd4-e3 Rd8-d7 [25...Qc6-c4 26.Rc1–d1µ] 26.Re1–e2 Rc8-d8 27.c3-c4 Rd7-d3 28.Qe3-e4 Qc6xe4 29.Re2xe4 Rd3xa3 30.c4-c5 [30.Re4-e2µ] 30...b6xc5?? Black has let it slip away [¹30...Rd8-d2–+ would have made li
ve much easier for Black] 31.b4xc5³ White has a new passed pawn: c5. Black has a new passed pawn: a7. 31...Rd8-c8 32.Re4-d4 Ra3-a5 Exerts pressure on the isolated pawn [32...Kg8-f8 33.c5-c6³] 33.c5-c6 He broke from his leash 33...Ra5-d5 Black threatens to win material: Rd5xd4 34.Rd4-c4 Rc8-c7 35.Rc1–b1 Rd5-d8 36.Rb1–b7 White threatens to win material: Rb7xc7 36...Rd8-c8 37.Kg1–f2 Rc7xc6 38.Rc4xc6 Rc8xc6 39.Rb7xa7 0–1

Diagram 3. End position after white moved 39. Rxa7.
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