
Friday, January 7, 2011

Malaysia Brings Back The Trophy In Chess Duel

The Star Online7 January 2011, Kuala Lumpur – In the StarOnline portal, SS Quah discusses the events leading to Malaysia’s first upset win over 10 years with a 77.5 points to Singapore’s 74.5 points during the Malaysia-Singapore annual chess friendly held in Singapore recently.

To read more, please visit TheStar Online portal or click here.

Many chess enthusiasts felt elated at this good piece of news from our Malaysian chess team who gave their all to get this victory. Well done, team Malaysia!

With chess featuring in this year’s SEA Games in Jakarta, Indonesia, later this year, maybe, just maybe, the Malaysian chess team could sneak-in to reach one of the three podium finish. A dream is just a dream until someone puts it into action!

To read similar posts on the Malaysia-Singapore chess duel, please click here.

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