
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Singapore’s Secret Weapon : Malaysia-Singapore Chess Challenge 2010

Just read the Singapore chess blog, apparently the Singapore chess team had daggled a carrot to their chess players after losing the first round to Malaysia in the Classical, to ensure that the Singapore chess team rebounded with a win. A kind sponsor-cum-Senior Player generously wooed the Singapore players to win three or more games. It seemed to work!

Wow! Malaysia should have given similar incentives to their own chess players too! Hopefully it is a lesson well learnt. This is a team sport and incentives and a proper team spirit pep talk prior to the start of each round, could have roused the Malaysians to rise above their losses! It was a narrow loss but it showed that Malaysia is quickly closing the gap with Singapore.

To see all postings related to Malaysia-Singapore chess event 2010, please click on labels below “Dato Tan Kim Yeow Trophy” or “Malaysia-Singapore Chess Challenge” or please click here.

To read the latest review of the Singapore-Malaysia chess challenge by Najib Wahab, please visit the DATCC blog or click here.

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