
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Six In The Lead At Hastings Masters 2013/2014

5 January 2014, Sunday – In the United Kingdom despite the torrential rainstorms, the 89th Hastings Chess Congress 2013/2014 was taking place from 28th December 2013 to 5th January 2014. Going into this morning’s last round 9 play of the Hastings Masters 2013/14, six players were tied on 6.0 points with Georgian GM Mchedishvili at the top. The other five were GM Khenkin, GM Ma, IM Vakhidov, IM Sarkar and FM Radovanovic.


Round 8 Rankings - Hastings Master 2013/2014

Here is a round 8 game of China’s GM Ma Qun vs GM Cherniaev of Russia in Hastings Masters 2013-2014, Hastings England. The official website of the tournament described the game - Qun Ma v Alexander Cherniaev was a very different matter, The Chinese GM built up positional pressure against the Russian GM, who is in England very frequently. Eventually Black could no longer keep control of c5 and so lost a pawn. But Alexander continued to fight, only to lose eventually.


89th Hastings Congress 2013-14 (Hastings ENG)
Sat 28th Dec 2013 - Sun 5th Jan 2014 -
Official Site

Hastings Masters (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:100:50:15+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games | Live

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