
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Karjakin vs Naiditsch in Tata Steel Masters 2014

19 January 2014, Kuala Lumpur – Here is the round 6 game in the Tata Steel Masters 2014 in which Karjakin won against Naiditsch of Germany. Karjakin is lying in third place behind Aronian and Giri. Aronian is leading with 5.0 points, Giri and Karjakin with 4.0 points each.

The official website reported that joining Giri in second place was Sergey Karjakin, who defeated Arkadij Naiditsch after a long battle. From a Catalan Karjakin got a minute advantage in a queen-and-rook-ending, having the safer king. The resulting queen-ending proved favourable for the Russian grandmaster: “it should be a draw but it wasn’t so easy.” Naiditsch failed to find the right plan and after 64. …Qa1(see diagram)

64. ... Qa1 (Karjakin vs Naiditsch, Tata Steel 2014)

Karjakin struck with 65.Qb6+ Kh5 66.Qe3! threatening Qe8. Naiditsch had to pull back but then Karjakin’s passed a-pawn became the German’s downfall.


Standings after round 6 are shown below:-

Standings of Tata Steel Masters

    Score Rating TPR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Aronian, L. 5.0 / 6 2812 3007         1 1 ½ 1   ½   1
2 Giri, A. 4.0 / 6 2734 2849       ½   ½ 1   ½   ½ 1
3 Karjakin, S. 4.0 / 6 2759 2851         0   ½ ½ 1 1   1
4 Dominguez, L. 3.5 / 6 2754 2786   ½     1   0 ½ ½ 1    
5 Caruana, F. 3.5 / 6 2782 2804 0   1 0     ½   1   1  
6 So, W. 3.5 / 6 2719 2811 0 ½           ½   1 1 ½
7 Harikrishna, P. 3.0 / 6 2706 2752 ½ 0 ½ 1 ½       ½      
8 Nakamura, H. 3.0 / 6 2789 2757 0   ½ ½   ½         ½ 1
9 Van Wely, L. 2.0 / 6 2672 2613   ½ 0 ½ 0   ½     ½    
10 Rapport, R. 2.0 / 6 2691 2624 ½   0 0   0     ½   1  
11 Gelfand, B. 1.5 / 6 2777 2546   ½     0 0   ½   0   ½
12 Naiditsch, A. 1.0 / 6 2718 2492 0 0 0     ½   0     ½  


Tata Steel 2014 website:

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