
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Socko Rises To The Challenge, Women’s World Ch 2012


15 Nov 2012, Kuala Lumpur – Just minutes ago, Hou Yifan surprisingly lost in her game against Monika Socko of Poland during the Women’s World Championship 2012 in a knock-out format. The score is now even 1-1.

Here is the winning game for Monika Socko against the reigning World Women Champion, Hou Yifan of China in Khanty Mansiysk, Russia.

(show chess board)(hide chess board)

By move 33, black played 33…Qd4+, white resigned. If white played, 34.Kh1, then mate in two with black playing 34…Qf2, 35 gxf3 Qf1#. If white played instead 34.Be3, then black can play 34…Qxe3+, 35. Kf1 Be2+, 36. Ke1 d2#. Well played by Monika Socko!


Women's World Championship | PGN via TWIC

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