
Friday, September 28, 2012

Gelfand Leads In FIDE GP London 2012

28 Sep 2012, Kuala Lumpur – In London, Boris Gelfand is leading the standings after round 6 last night at the FIDE Grand Prix London 2012. He drew with Ivanchuk and has scored 4.0 points. Three games drew and three games had decisive results.


(Photo by Ray Morris Hill, official website)

One of the decisive games involved GM Topalov Veselin, Bulgaria and GM Dominguez Perez Leinier of Cuba. The official website reported that The last game of the day sees Veselin Topalov facing Dominguez. Tonight, Silvio Danailov (manager of Veselin) arrives in London. Veselin is facing the 4…a6 Slav defence and decides to take immediately space with 7.Ne5 and 8.f4. Topalov took gradually the advantage, sacrificed a piece to win beautifully on the endgame.



Results of Round 6, FIDE GP London 2012:image

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(show chess board)(hide chess board)


Position white played 49.Kc5 and black resigned.

Official website:

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