
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Malaysia is 2-0 up against Egypt!


30 August 2012, Kuala Lumpur – The round 3 match against Egypt has started and Lim Yee Weng has a strong lead in his game. Mok’s and Li Tian has a small advantage in their positions. Zhuo Ren is slightly behind in advantage.


IM Mok Tze-Meng continues to strengthens his lead and looks good for a win. Yee Weng still has the lead. Wow! Both playing against GMs! IMs doing better on those boards. Meanwhile Zhuo Ren has a small advantage but Li Tian slightly behind. Anybody’s game at this point. I’ll be happy if team Malaysia gets a 2-2 score in this round.


Lim Yee Weng’s checks Adly Ahmed with 25…Qa6+ and a mating net sets in. Looks winning for Malaysia on that board!


Lim Yee Weng has just won on board 2 against GM Adly Ahmed with 28.. Re4+ with mate next move for black. If 29. Nxe4 Qe2# or if 29. Kd1 Qf1#. Well done IM Lim Yee Weng of Malaysia! 1-0 up!


To watch the Malaysia vs Egypt chess match on official webpage please visit this link here.


IM Mok’s position looks even. Mok’s castle is gone! But Mok has two passed pawns with White’s King very active. Danger is queenside pawn storm from black. If the pawns start to roll for black, it could be dangerous for Malaysia. Meanwhile Zhuo Ren’s position looks tenuous but Li Tian looks promising for a turn in the tide. If Malaysia wins 3-1, it will be a major upset for the seeded Egypt team.

Latest: IM Mok has won his top board game against Amin, so Malaysia is 2-0 up! Our IMs beat Egypt’s two GMs! Fantastic!


Women: Malaysia has won on third board against Bolivia. Fong Mi Yen did us proud with a win over Samantha Mendoza Acuna, Bolivia.



To watch women’s Malaysia vs  Bolivia match on official website, please click here.

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