
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Morozevich Win Over Aronian, Tal Memorial 2012

Alexander Morozevich Round 5 Tal Memorial 14 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur – reported that Alexander Morozevich is showing his best form at the 2012 Tal Memorial, and he won his third game in the fifth round to claim the sole lead by beating Lev Aronian.

It was a thrilling game, with Aronian preempting Morozevich's threatened kingside attack with a piece sacrifice which eventually netted four pawns and an impressive centre.  However, Aronian's position fell apart in time pressure and the tide turned in his opponent's favour leaving Morozevich as the sole leader.

In the only other decisive game of the round, Magnus Carlsen pressurised Teimour Radjabov into time-trouble errors in an unpleasant endgame to record his first win of the tournament.


Round Five Results:


Standings After Round 5:


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