
Friday, January 27, 2012

Polgar’s Round 2 Game, Gibraltar Masters

26 Jan 2012, Kuala Lumpur – In Gibraltar Masters 2012, Le Quang Liem and Judit Polgar won their round 2 games. Judit’s round 2 game against Ikonnikov Vyacheslav is shown below:-
For Asian readers, here is a game involving GM Le Quang Liem of Vietnam in round 2 against Del Rio De Angelis Salvador G. Le won his second round game shown below:-
 Liem Le Quang-Vietnam
Results of round 2 Gibraltar Masters 2012 (up to table 25)
Current Leaders after round 2, Gibraltar Masters 2012
Here is a video commentary by GM Simon Williams of round 2. The video has three parts. The one shown on this blog is the first part of round 2.
You can see a commentary on the top two boards of round 2 Gibraltar Chess Masters 2012 by clicking on this link

Official website:

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