
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Teh De Juan, Soh Isaak Leads Penang Challengers

Mohd Faizal b Roslan, MAS Pix 1. Mohd Faizal b Roslan, Malaysia.

8 Dec 2011, Kuala Lumpur – At the 3rd Penang Heritage City International Chess Challenger 2011, Teh De Juan and Soh Isaak Ethan Hong Han, jointly leads with 5 points after 5 rounds of play. Challengers Section is the running twin tournament of the Penang Heritage City International Open 2011.

Teh De Juan beat Kelly Lim Pei Ying on top board of the fifth round and Soah Isaak Ethan Hong Han overcomed Teoh Ern Sheng on board two.

Meanwhile on board three, Mohd Faizal Roslan (Pix 1) won against Tin Ruiqi scoring 4.5 points after five rounds. Gilocatur’s daughter Anis Fariha bt Saleh lost to Geeneish Sivalingam on fourth board. Anis Fariha has 3.5 points after five rounds and Geeneish scored 4.5 points.


To see more results, please visit or click here.

Rank after round 5:


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