
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kelantan Chess Team Takes Lead At DATCC League

14 December 2011, Kuala Lumpur – Here are the latest news and announcements from the organisers of the DATCC Team Chess League 2011. Another furious race to the finish line!

Folks.... Round 8 on Saturday, 17 December 2011, to start at 9:00am and Round 9 at 2:30pm.

As for Round 7, the traffic in KL was unbelievable and with scattered flooding in certain areas in KL, and the SMART tunnel was closed to divert rising waters, many players found themselves stuck in traffic jams and a few games were forfeited due to non-arrivals. Saprin and family was 10 minutes away from giving away 4 points to their opponent PETRONAS Seahorse and on Table 1, whilst young Yeoh Li Tian had to forfeit his game, Najib on board managed to arrive at the tournament hall with only 1 minute to spare - and the opponent not arriving on time (Max came in about 8:45pm and was disappointed that he had to give away the point). Yeoh Li Tian also arrived just before Max but opponent Nor Ilhamuddin already left the crime scene.

Suffering worse were PJMIM who had to forfeit 2 boards and BERNAMA Team forfeiting 3 boards.

With the conclusion of Round 7, and the remaining 2 rounds to be played this Saturday, the race for the lead is very tight between 3 teams - Kelantan, Too Less Ordinary and Najib's Rojak Team. Kelantan and Too Less Ordinary both scored perfect 4 points to stay ahead in the lead at first and second respectively, followed closely by Najib's Rojak Team at third place - with only 1.5 points separating the 3 teams.

Following behind with 2.5 points behind Najib's Rojak Team is 17 Chess Club and another 1 point behind the DATCC Senior'S Team.

Round 8 will be the telling points as the top team will vie to continue their good run and maintain their lead but, with the bottom teams having the ability to steal 1 or 2 valuable points, the event is not over until the fat lady sings! The pairing for the last round will be very crucial and teams that can score a perfect 4-0 in the last 2 rounds will definitely jump up the table.

Results for Round 7:


Teams position after Round 7


And the most awaited table of all - Pairing for Round 8, an interesting one indeed.


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