
Thursday, December 22, 2011

China Continue To Win, WWCT 2011

image 22 Dec 2011, Kuala Lumpur – In Turkey, China continued their winning ways in the World Women’s Chess Team Championship 2011. The official website of the tournament reported that round 4 did not bring many surprises. China won against Vietnam 3-1, scoring on the two lower boards (Zhao Xue - Nguyen Thi Thanh An 1-0 and Hoang Thi Nhu - Tan Zhongyi Y 1-0) and remain in the lead with 100 percent match points.

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India scored 3,5 board points against Armenia. Only Lilit Mkrtchian was able to draw against Harika Dronavalli on the second board. India is on the second rank with 7 match points.

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Here is the round 4 game between IM Maria Muzychuk of Ukraine and IM Yelena Dembo of Greece, which was won by Maria. The Sicilian Opening was played during the game. Ukraine beat Greece, 3.5-0.5.

[Site "MARDIN"]
[Date "2011.12.21"]
[Round "4.13"]
[White "IM M.MUZYCHUK (UKR - 2460)"]
[Black "IM Y.DEMBO (GRE - 2468)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[PlyCount "111"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4 4. Nf3 e6 5. O-O Ne7 6. Nxd4 cxd4 7. Ne2 Qb6 8.a4 Nc6 9. c3 dxc3 10. dxc3 a6 11. Bd3 Be7 12. Be3 Qc7 13. f4 b6 14. Qe1 Na5 15.Qg3 O-O 16. f5 Qxg3 17. Nxg3 Rb8 18. e5 f6 19. exf6 gxf6 20. Nh5 Nc6 21. Bh6 Rf7 22. Rf3 Kh8 23. Rg3 Bc5+ 24. Kh1 Bf8 25. Bxf8 Rxf8 26. Rg7 e5 27. Be4 b5 28. a5 Nd8 29. Bd5 Nb7 30. g4 Nd6 31. Re7 Re8 32. Rxe8+ Nxe8 33. g5 fxg5 34. f6 Nd6 35. Rd1 Bb7 36. Bxb7 Nxb7 37. Rxd7 Nc5 38. Re7 Ne4 39. Rxe5 Nd6 40. Rxg5 Re8 41. Rd5 Re6 42. Rc5 h6 43. Rc6 Re1+ 44. Kg2 Nf7 45. Nf4 Rb1 46. b4 Rb2+ 47. Kg3 Rc2 48. h4 Kg8 49. Rc8+ Kh7 50. Rc7 Kg8 51. Kg4 Rf2 52. Re7 Rc2 53. Ne2 Rb2 54. Kf5 Rb1 55. Re8+ Kh7 56. Ke6 1-0


To read more, please visit the official website or click here.

(Photos courtesy of official website)

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