
Thursday, October 13, 2011

UPSI Venue Change

13 October 2011, Kuala Lumpur - The organizers of the upcoming UPSI Chess Rapid in Tanjung MALIM, Perak has a short announcement -

From Izza Hasrina, the Project Director cum President of UPSI Chess Club,

Saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa venue Kejohanan Catur Terbuka UPSI 2011 telah diubah ke Dewan SITC dari Bilik Seminar UPSI kerana penyertaan yang ramai dan kemudahan yang lebih baik. Disini juga saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa penyertaan untuk menyertai kejohanan catur terbuka UPSI 2011 dilanjutkan sehingga 14 oktober kerana venue baru Dewan SITC dapat menampung lebih banyak peserta."

(translation in English - I wish to announce that the playing venue has been changed from Seminar Room to the SITC HALL which can accommodate this dramatic increase  in the number of players and provides better playing conditions. Further, I wish to announce that the closing date for joining UPSI OPEN 2011 has been extended to 14th October 2011 as the new venue for the tournament at the SITC HALL can accommodate the increased number of players participating this year. )

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