
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Li Tian, Rifqah Leading Malaysia’s Charge At APPSO

Yeoh Li Tian, Malaysia 

11 October 2011, Kuala Lumpur – At the 5th ASEAN Primary School Sport Olympiad (APPSO) 2011, our Malaysian contingent of boys and girls are doing Malaysia proud. Yeoh Li Tian (pix above) of Malaysia had won the Individual Boys Standard Chess event with 5.5 points from six rounds.

Puteri Rifqah Fahada bt Azhar, Malaysia

Meanwhile Puteri Rifqah Fahada bt Azhar (pix above) of Malaysia maintain her unbeaten record in the Individual Girls Standard Chess by scoring 4.5 points from a single round robin format of seven rounds. Rifqah finished in second place behind Shanti Nur Abidah who scored 5.0 points. In the first round, Puteri Rifqah beat Shanti Nur Abidah. Unfortunately Puteri Rifqah scored three draws in her subsequent rounds whereas Shanti kept winning her rounds.




To see more results, please visit or click here.

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