
Friday, August 26, 2011

The Star On Chess Festival

26 August 2011, Kuala Lumpur – In today’s The Star Online, SS Quah discusses about the highlights of the ongoing Malaysia Chess Festival 2011 at the CitiTel MidValley Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

It had begun from the 17th August 2011 and will run until the 28th August 2011. Four chess events had just ended yesterday with the crowning of the winners late afternoon. The Blitz, 8th Dato’ Arthur Tan Malaysia Open 2011, 6th AmBank Malaysia Chess Challenge 2011 and 2nd KLK Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng Seniors Open 2011 all came to an end yesterday afternoon.

He also discusses about the one day Swensen Age-Group Chess held last Sunday, 21 August 2011 which had a group of Iranian students as part of their package tour of Malaysia. The one day rapid is ongoing today and the Merdeka Team Rapid over Saturday and Sunday.

The numbers are already swelling beyond the capacity of the existing hall. Come join in the fun and the finale over this weekend! See you all there!


To read more, please visit this link here.

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