
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Carlsen Wins Biel’s Accentus GM Tournament

4 August 2011, Kuala Lumpur – At the 44th Biel Chess Festival in Switzerland, the ACCENTUS GM tournament was held from 21 July 2011 – 3 August 2011 and resulted in Magnus Carlsen of Norway winning 19 points from 10 rounds of play. Second was Alexander Morozevich of Russia with 17 points and third Maxime Vachier-Lagrave of France with 12 points.



(picture courtesy of Biel Chess Festival -

Here are two games from Biel Chess Festival involving Fabiano Caruana-Alexei Shirov and the other Fabiano Caruana-Alexander Morozevich. In the first game, Alexei Shirov won and the second, Caruana won as black against Morozevich.


[Event "Biel ACCENTUS GM"] [Site "Biel SUI"] [Date "2011.07.27"] [Round "8"] [White "Caruana, F."] [Black "Shirov, A."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C07"] [WhiteElo "2711"] [BlackElo "2714"] [PlyCount "164"] [EventDate "2011.07.18"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 c5 4. Ngf3 cxd4 5. exd5 Qxd5 6. Bc4 Qd7 7. O-O Nc6 8. Nb3 Nf6 9. Nbxd4 Bc5 10. Nxc6 Qxc6 11. Ne5 Qb6 12. Qe2 O-O 13. Bd3 Nd5 14. Qe4 f5 15. Qe2 Qc7 16. Bc4 Bd6 17. Nf3 Bd7 18. Bxd5 exd5 19. Be3 f4 20. Bd4 Bf5 21. Bc3 Rae8 22. Qd2 Be4 23. Rad1 h6 24. Rfe1 Qf7 25. Qd4 b6 26. Bb4 Bxb4 27. Qxb4 Bxc2 28. Rxe8 Rxe8 29. Re1 Rxe1+ 30. Qxe1 Be4 31. Nd4 f3 32. gxf3 Bxf3 33. Qe6 Qxe6 34. Nxe6 Kf7 35. Nd4 Bg4 36. f3 Bd7 37. Kf2 g5 38. Ke3 h5 39. Ne2 Kf6 40. Nd4 a5 41. a3 a4 42. Nc2 Ke5 43. Nd4 Be8 44. Ne2 Bg6 45. Nd4 Kd6 46. Kd2 Bh7 47. Ne2 Kc5 48. Kc3 h4 49. Nd4 Kd6 50. Kd2 Bg6 51. b3 axb3 52. Nxb3 Ke5 53. Ke3 Be8 54. Nd4 Bd7 55. Ne2 Bc8 56. Nd4 Kd6 57. Kd3 Ba6+ 58. Kd2 Bf1 59. Nb3 Bh3 60. Nd4 Bd7 61. Kd3 g4 62. fxg4 Bxg4 63. Kd2 Ke5 64. Ke3 Bh5 65. Nc6+ Kd6 66. Nd4 Kc5 67. Kd3 Bg6+ 68. Kc3 Kd6 69. Kd2 Be4 70. Ne2 Ke5 71. Ke3 Kf5 72. Nd4+ Kg4 73. Kf2 Kh3 74. Kg1 Bg2 75. Nf5 Bf3 76. Nd4 Be4 77. Ne6 Kg4 78. Kf2 Bf5 79. h3+ Kxh3 80. Nf4+ Kg4 81. Nxd5 Be4 82. Nc3 Bf3 0-1





[Event "Biel ACCENTUS GM"] [Site "Biel SUI"] [Date "2011.07.28"] [Round "9"] [White "Morozevich, A."] [Black "Caruana, F."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "D43"] [WhiteElo "2694"] [BlackElo "2711"] [PlyCount "94"] [EventDate "2011.07.18"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. Bg5 h6 6. Bh4 dxc4 7. e4 g5 8. Bg3 b5 9. Ne5 Bb7 10. h4 g4 11. Nxg4 Nxg4 12. Qxg4 Qxd4 13. Qf4 Bb4 14. Rd1 Bxc3+ 15. Ke2 Qe5 16. Qxe5 Bxe5 17. Bxe5 Rh7 18. Ke3 Nd7 19. Bg3 O-O-O 20. Be2 f5 21. Rd6 fxe4 22. Rxe6 Nc5 23. Rg6 h5 24. Rg5 Rd5 25. Rd1 Nd3 26. b3 Ba6 27. bxc4 bxc4 28. Rd2 Kb7 29. Rg8 Kb6 30. Rc2 Ne1 31. Rc1 Nxg2+ 32. Kxe4 Re7+ 33. Kf3 Nxh4+ 34. Bxh4 Rf5+ 35. Kg2 Rxe2 36. a4 Rb2 37. Rb8+ Bb7 38. Rxc4 c5+ 39. Kh2 Rb1 40. f4 Rd5 41. Rd8 Rbd1 42. Rxd5 Bxd5 43. Rc3 c4 44. Bf6 Kc5 45. Kg3 Kb4 46. Rc2 a5 47. f5 Rf1 0-1



To read more, please visit Biel Chess Festival’s website or click here.

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