
Monday, June 27, 2011

Two Games From ASEAN Age-Group 2011

27 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur - Here are two games from ASEAN Age-Group in Tarakan, Indonesia where our Malaysian Under-10 Girls team did us proud by winning gold in a few events.

Teh De Zen

The games involved Teh De Zen and Puteri Munajjah Az-Zahra bt Azhar in their rounds 1 and 4 respectively. Both games ended in draws.

[Event "12th ASEAN Age Group Tarakan Indonesia"]
[Site "Tarakan"]
[Date "2011.06.18"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Teh, De Zen"]
[Black "Vo, Mai Truc"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C00"]
[PlyCount "82"]
[EventDate "2011.06.18"]
[EventCountry "INA"]
[SourceDate "2011.06.18"]

1. e4 e6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Bg5 Be7 6. Nf3 Nxe4 7. Bxe7 Qxe7
8. dxe4 Qb4+ 9. Nd2 Qxb2 10. Bd3 Nd7 11. O-O O-O 12. Qe2 e5 13. Nc4 Qd4 14.
Rfd1 Nf6 15. h3 Be6 16. Nd2 h6 17. Nf3 Qc5 18. Rdb1 b6 19. Rb5 Qc3 20. Qe1
Qxe1+ 21. Rxe1 c6 22. Rxe5 g6 23. Nd4 Nd7 24. Nxe6 Nxe5 25. Nxf8 Nxd3 26. cxd3 Kxf8 27. Kf1 Rd8 28. Ke2 Ke7 29. Ke3 c5 30. Rc1 Rd4 31. Rc4 Rxc4 32. dxc4 Ke6 33. f4 g5 34. g3 f6 35. a4 h5 36. Kf3 a6 37. h4 g4+ 38. Ke3 f5 39. e5 a5 40.
Kd3 Kd7 41. Kc3 Ke6 1/2-1/2

Puteri Munajjah Az-Zahra bt Azhar

[Event "12th ASEAN Age Group Tarakan Indonesia"]
[Site "Tarakan"]
[Date "2011.06.18"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Azhar, Puteri Munajjah"]
[Black "Docena, Jesca"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B24"]
[PlyCount "88"]
[EventDate "2011.06.18"]
[EventCountry "INA"]
[SourceDate "2011.06.18"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. Nge2 e6 6. d3 Nge7 7. Be3 b6 8. O-O
O-O 9. f4 Bb7 10. h3 d5 11. Bf2 d4 12. Nb1 Qc7 13. Nd2 f5 14. a3 Rad8 15. Bf3
e5 16. Re1 Rfe8 17. Bg2 Bh6 18. fxe5 Nxe5 19. Nf4 fxe4 20. Ne6 Qd6 21. Nxd8
Rxd8 22. Nxe4 Bxe4 23. Rxe4 Nf5 24. Re2 Be3 25. g4 Bxf2+ 26. Rxf2 Ne3 27. Qe2
Nxg2 28. Kxg2 Qd5+ 29. Qe4 Qxe4+ 30. dxe4 c4 31. Rd1 d3 32. c3 Kg7 33. Kg3 Re8 34. h4 h6 35. Re1 g5 36. h5 Re6 37. Kh3 Rf6 38. Rxf6 Kxf6 39. Kg3 Ke6 40. Rd1 b5 41. Rd2 a5 42. Rd1 a4 43. Rd2 Kf6 44. Rf2+ Ke6 1/2-1/2

(source: Tournament Bulletin ASEAN Age Group 2011)

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