
Friday, June 17, 2011

The Festival Continues!

17 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur – In today’s news portal The Star Online discusses the significance of this year’s Malaysian Chess Festival and how it affects chess enthusiasts and Malaysia as a nation in the chess world.

The Malaysian Chess Festival is a long running chess event with non- stop chess activities and tournaments for various levels of chess players. From the highly skilled to the lowly skilled player, from the GM to the non-rated player, for the young ones and the senior and veteran player, are all catered for in this year’s chess festival.

Though significantly is that the much awaited annual chess event of the year is being held by a wider spread of sponsors and is still with some help and involvement of Datuk Tan Chin Nam, himself.


To read more, please visit the The Star Online portal or click here.

To read more about this year’s Malaysian Chess Festival 2011, please click here.

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