
Friday, May 27, 2011

Asian Zonals – Laylo Darwin Leads


26 May 2011, Kuala Lumpur – At Tagatay City, Philippines, the Asian Zonals 3.3 Open and Women’s Chess Championship 2011 is ongoing.

GM Laylo Darwin leads with 3 points and met GM Cao Sang, Malaysian Open Champion 2010 in round 4 on top board earlier this afternoon.

Opening Ceremony of Asian Zonal 3.3 Chess Ch 2011

The Sports Enquirer reported that Laylo, the 2009 Asian Zonal champion, surged on top by besting Vietnamese M. Nguyen Van Huy in the third round Wednesday.

At 2.5 points were GM John Paul Gomez and IM Rolando Nolte, who agreed to a truce in the tournament organized by the National Chess Federation of the Philippines, and hosted by the Tagaytay City government through Mayor Abraham “Bambol” Tolentino.

Filipino IM Oliver Barbosa (2.5 points) is still gunning for a win against Singaporean top seed GM Zhang Zhong (2.0 points).


Here is the round 1 game of the Asian Zonal 3.3 Open Chess Championship 2011 at Tagatay City, Philippines between GM Laylo Darwin and FM Habla Jony.

[Event "ZONE 3.3 OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP"] [Site "Tagaytay City, PHI"] [Date "2011.05.24"] [Round "1.1"] [White "Laylo, Darwin"] [Black "Habla, Jony"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "2516"] [BlackElo "2333"] [PlyCount "90"] [EventDate "2011.05.24"] [EventRounds "9"] [EventCountry "PHI"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. g3 Nc6 5. Bg2 Rb8 6. b3 Bb4+ 7. Bd2 Be7 8. e3 Ne4 9. O-O Nxd2 10. Nbxd2 Bf6 11. Rb1 O-O 12. b4 a6 13. Qc2 Ne7 14. Rfd1 c6 15. e4 g6 16. Nf1 Bg7 17. Ne3 Qd6 18. e5 Qd8 19. Rb3 Bd7 20. c5 Nf5 21. Qe2 Qe7 22. Bh3 Kh8 23. Ng2 Ra8 24. g4 Nh6 25. g5 Nf5 26. Nf4 h6 27. Bxf5 exf5 28. e6 Be8 29. Re3 f6 30. Nh4 Kh7 31. gxh6 Bxh6 32. Rh3 Rh8 33. Rdd3 Kg7 34. Nfg2 Bg5 35. f4 Bxh4 36. Nxh4 Rh6 37. Rdg3 Kh7 38. Qg2 Qxe6 39. Re3 Qd7 40. Qe2 Bf7 41. Re7 Re8 42. Rhe3 Rxe7 43. Rxe7 Qc8 44. Rxf7+ Kh8 45. Qe7 Rxh4 1-0


(source: and Sports

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