
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Elina Maintains Lead Women’s GP 2011

Martha Fierro - Sebag Marie Lilit Mkrtchian – Elina Danielian

2 March 2011, Kuala Lumpur – At the Women’s Grand Prix 2011 in Qatar, Elina Danielian continues to win by overcoming Zhu Chen in the round 7 game. Elina has 6.5 points from 7 rounds. Her nearest rival is Sebag Marie who has five points. Sebag beat Pia Cramling in the seventh round.




Zhu Chen-QAT Danielian Elina - ARM

Here is the seventh round game between GM Danielian Elina (top right) of Armenia and GM Zhu Chen (top left) of Qatar in which Elina won decisively.

[Event "FIDE Women Grand Prix 2011"] [Site "Doha, Qatar"] [Date "2011.03.01"] [Round "?"] [White "Danielian, Elina (ARM)"] [Black "Zhu Chen (QAT)"] [Result "1-0"] [PlyCount "91"] [EventDate "2011.03.01"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. Nf3 O-O 5. Bf4 d6 6. e3 Nh5 7. Bg5 h6 8. Bh4 c5 9. dxc5 g5 10. Nd2 Nf6 11. Bg3 dxc5 12. Be2 Nc6 13. O-O Bf5 14. h3 Rc8 15. Re1 Bg6 16. Bf3 b6 17. Bxc6 Rxc6 18. Qa4 Rc8 19. Nf3 Ra8 20. Ne5 Bh7 21. Rad1 Qc8 22. Nd5 Re8 23. Nc6 Nxd5 24. cxd5 Bxb2 25. e4 Bg7 26. h4 a6 27. hxg5 hxg5 28. Qc4 e6 29. a4 Bf8 30. Qc3 exd5 31. exd5 Be4 32. Ne5 Qf5 33. f3 Bc2 34. Rd2 Bxa4 35. d6 Rad8 36. Qa1 Bb5 37. Ng4 Bg7 38. Be5 Qe6 39. Rdd1 Qg6 40. Bxg7 Rxe1+ 41. Rxe1 f5 42. Nf6+ Kxg7 43. Re7+ Kf8 44. Qe5 f4 45. Rh7 Re8 46. Qe7+ 1-0

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