
Friday, March 4, 2011

Elina Has One Point Lead, Qatar FIDE GP

GM Danielian Elina of Armenia

4 March 2011, Kuala Lumpur – At the Qatar Women’s FIDE GP, GM Danielian Elina won the 9th round game and maintains a one point lead over GM Sebag Marie. Elina has 7.5 points from 9 rounds with two more rounds to go.





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Here is the round 9 game between Marie Sebag of France and Nana Dzagnidze which ended in a win for Marie Sebag. After white played 30.Qd5+, the white queen pins the king to the undefended black rook at a8, winning a piece.

[Event "FIDE Women Grand Prix 2011"] [Site "Doha, Qatar"] [Date "2011.03.03"] [Round "?"] [White "Sebag, Marie (FRA)"] [Black "Dzagnidze, Nana (GEO)"] [Result "1-0"] [PlyCount "59"] [EventDate "2011.03.03"] [TimeControl "5400"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. d4 exd4 6. cxd4 a6 7. Bc4 b5 8. Bb3 Nge7 9. Nc3 O-O 10. Nd5 h6 11. Bf4 d6 12. Qd2 Kh7 13. h4 Bg4 14. Ng5+ Kg8 15. Nxf7 Rxf7 16. Bxh6 Nxd4 17. Bxg7 Nxb3 18. Qh6 Rxg7 19. Nf6+ Kf8 20. axb3 Be6 21. h5 Kf7 22. Nh7 Qh8 23. Ng5+ Kf6 24. e5+ Kxe5 25. Nf3+ Kd5 26. Qe3 Nf5 27. O-O-O+ Kc6 28. Qxe6 Qh6+ 29. Kb1 Qf4 30. Qd5+ 1-0


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Here is the ninth round game between Danielian Elina of Armenia and Fierro Martha of Ecuador which gave Elina the win after losing in the eighth round to Koneru Humpy of India.

[Event "FIDE Women Grand Prix 2011"] [Site "Doha, Qatar"] [Date "2011.03.03"] [Round "?"] [White "Danielian, Elina (ARM)"] [Black "Fierro, Martha (ECU)"] [Result "1-0"] [PlyCount "101"] [EventDate "2011.03.03"] [TimeControl "5400"] 1. Nf3 g6 2. g3 Bg7 3. Bg2 Nf6 4. O-O O-O 5. d4 d6 6. c4 c6 7. Nc3 Qa5 8. h3 e5 9. e4 Nbd7 10. Re1 exd4 11. Nxd4 Ne5 12. Bf1 Be6 13. Nxe6 fxe6 14. Kg2 Rad8 15. Be3 c5 16. Qb3 Rd7 17. Rad1 a6 18. Be2 Qb4 19. f4 Nc6 20. Qxb4 cxb4 21. Na4 Nxe4 22. Bg4 Re8 23. Bb6 h5 24. Rxe4 hxg4 25. hxg4 Kf7 26. b3 Ree7 27. Re2 e5 28. Red2 Nd4 29. fxe5 dxe5 30. Bc5 Re8 31. Bxb4 b5 32. Nc5 Ra7 33. Ne4 Kg8 34. Bd6 bxc4 35. bxc4 Rb7 36. Rf1 Rc8 37. c5 Rf7 38. Rxf7 Kxf7 39. Rb2 Ke6 40. Rb7 Bf6 41. g5 Bd8 42. g4 Kd5 43. Nf6+ Ke6 44. Rg7 Nb5 45. Rxg6 Nxd6 46. Nh7+ Kd5 47. Rxd6+ Kxc5 48. Rd1 Rb8 49. g6 Kc6 50. g7 Be7 51. Nf8 1-0



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