
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Maverick Turns Legendary!

26 February 2011, Kuala Lumpur – Just got back from two khenduris in Perak and DATCC is already having a ball judging from Najib’s email to bloggers.

Just to update you that the number of players for Maverick rapid weekend now stands at 105 players, oversubscribed by 15 seats than expected. (I actually anticipated only 60 players!) It is so good to see many strong players coming to the fore to play in this event. FYI, Mas has again reconfirm that he will be playing - excellent!!!!

Appreciate if you can help share the good news with your blog followers/readers. I have also updated the DATCC blog site with the following story.
Thanks for your continuing support and assistance.

Its going to be LEGENDARY! Maverick hitting 105 players.....
Despite my appeal, it seems that the players registering for the Maverick Rapid event continue to climb and 2 days before the event date, the number of players is now at 105 players. With many strong players wanting to play in the event, the only thing to do is to continue accepting entries. And to be a part of a "revolution" (considering that this is the "Maverick" event)where good players are beginning to come to the fore, DATCC is proud to be a part of this great development!

To quote Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) from the TV sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" - "Its going to be legendary!"

The latest additions are former National Champion Zarul Shazwan with brother Zarul Shafiq and sister Amira. Some of the other notable players are Malaysia's top player IM Mas Hafizul and current Junior Champion Lim Zhuo Ren. Also playing are another former National Champion Kamalariffin Wahiduddin, Renegade Champion Wong Jian Wen, National Junior players siblings Mohd Nabil, WCM Nur Nabila and WFM Nur Najiha, National Junior players Mohd Izz Saifuddin, UIA leading player Ahmad Fadzil Nayan, and some of Malaysias top players in Cheah Cheok Fung, Kamaluddin Yusof, Nor Ilhamuddin and Mohd Saprin Sabri. Up and coming rising stars siblings Subramanian and Nithyalakshmi, and Puteri Munajjah (and brothers Syakir and Irfan) together with Camilia Johari and Amier Hamzah have also booked their places.
As a gentle reminder, players who are yet to pay for the event are advised to show up before 9:30am to complete the payment and registration as round 1 will start at exactly 10:00am.
School children (17 years and below) are advised to provide their full name and complete school name in order for the organizer to prepare their "Certificate of Participation" which will be given to to them at the end of the event.

On a post-script: It is nice to see that DATCC’s stature is gradually growing with the acceptance of chess enthusiasts coming in droves for the monthly rapid albeit with some good rebranding by Najib, carefully crafted and ingeniously intriguing to force chess enthusiasts to spring into action with each post that Najib puts up! Well done Najib for the good marketing effort! The proof in the pudding is in the numbers!

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