
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grachev Wins Young GM, Moscow Open 2011

9 February 2011, Kuala Lumpur – Here is the press release of the Moscow Open -7th International Chess Festival Moscow Open Young Grandmaster Tournaments finished with the victories of Russian chess players. The tournament was organised by the Moscow Chess Federation, Russian State Social University and Moscow Sport Committee from 27 January 2011 to the 6th February 2011 in Moscow, Russia.
Boris Grachev, Grandmaster from Moscow, won the first place in Men Tournament and scored 7.5 points in eleven rounds. In the final round he shared points with American Robert Hess. The main competitor for Grachev Belarus Sergei Zhigalko  also had a draw score in the final round with Ivan Chaparinov from Bulgaria – he has second place chasing the leader by 0.5 points.

Sanan Sjugirov, grandmaster from Lipetsk, won the third place. In the final round he de-feated Alexander Rakhmanov from Moscow and scored 7 points as Zhigalko did, but lost him by tie-breaks.

Players’ final scores are: 1. Grachev – 7.5 points; 2. Zhigalko – 7 points; 3. Sjugirov – 7 points; 4. Inarkiev – 5; 5-9. Kuzubov, Chadaev, Alexeev, Safarli, Chaparinov – 5 points each; 10-11. Hess, Rakhmanov – 4; 12. Krylov – 2.5.

Alexandra Kosteniuk, former world champion, won the Women Young Grandmaster Tour-nament. In the final round chess player from Moscow finished in a draw with another leader - Mon-gol Bakhuyag Munguntuul.  In the end they both scored 7 points. Kosteniuk won by extra criteria.

Third and fourth places were shared between Chinese Zhao Xue and Valentina Gunina from Moscow, they scored 5.5 points each. The final round games they both finished in a draw. Gunina – with Jolanta Zawadzka from Poland, Zhao – with Lilit Galoyan from Armenia. According to extra criteria the bronze was won by Chinese chess player.

Players’ final scores are: 1. Kosteniuk – 7 points; 2. Munguntuul – 7 points; 3. Zhao – 5.5 points; 4. Gunina – 5.5 points; 5. Girya – 4.5 points; 6. Zawadzka – 4 points; 7. Galoyan – 3.5 points; 8-9. Fominukh, Kashlinskaya – 3 points each; 10. Ambartsumova – 2 points.


It should be noted that the prize fund is equal for both Young Grandmaster Tournaments – 800 000 rub (20 000 Euro).

Here is one game from round 10 of the Young GM (A) of the Moscow Open 2011 between the champion, Boris Grachev and Nikolai Chadaev. Grachev played white and won by winning an extra rook piece for an exchange of a white rook and a black bishop on move 39. Pure tactics! Well done to Grachev!

  • Moscow Open 2011
    • Moscow Open 2011 (Moscow RUS)
      Fri 28th Jan 2011 - Mon 7th Feb 2011 - Official Site
    • Young GM (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN:YGM Men
    • Moscow Open E (582 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open E
    • Young Masters WGM (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: YGM Women
    • Moscow Open C (64 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1))
    • Moscow Open F (122 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open F Women
    • Moscow Open D (23 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1))
    • Chess-In-Malaysia posts

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