
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wesley So Gets His Win, Tata Steel

Wesley So (black) vs Laurent Fressinet, round 6 22 January 2011, Kuala Lumpur – At the 73rd Tata Steel Chess Tournament, Wesley So finally gets his wish by winning his round 6 game against Fressinet Laurent in the Group B of the tournament held in Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands.

Results of round 6, Group B shown in table below:


image SoWesely

Here is the game viewer of the sixth round game between Fressinet and Wesley So of the Group B, Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands played last night, 21st January 2011. Black has a strong h7 pawn getting ready to queen with the black rook strategically located on the 6th rank to protect the black king on h7.

Here is a game viewer of another Asian GM from Vietnam, GM Le Quang Liem. Le won his sixth round game against Nijboaer Friso. However Le is in ninth position with 2.5 points.

Le Quang Liem  - Vietnam image

Luke McShane continued his winning ways and continues to lead the Group B, meanwhile both Efimenko and Wesley So have won their respective round 6 games with 4.5 and 4.0 points respectively in second and third positions in the group.


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