
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vallejo Pons Continues Lead At Reggio Emilia, Italy

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(picture courtesy of

4 January 2011, Kuala Lumpur – In the sixth round of the 53rd Torneo di Capadanno in Reggio Emilia, Italy, Gashimov beats the top seed, Ivanchuk with the Caro-Kann Opening. Gashimov played white. Meanwhile the leader, Vallejo Pons drew his game against local favourite, Caruana of Italy. All other games were decisive where Navara, Movsesian and Onischuk won their respective round 6 games. Vallejo Pons leads with 4.5 points with Gashimov, Onischuk and Movsesian all on second place with 3.5 points.

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Here is the game viewer of the sixth round between GM Vugar Gashimov and GM Vassily Ivanchuk where the Caro-Kann Opening transpired during the game. The first  game to end was the exciting game Gashimov against Ivanchuk. In the post-morten  17.Rb3 Vugar declared that it was a novelty and the position is clearly in favor of White. The activation of the rook via c3-c7 is inevitable and devastating for white.


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