
Friday, January 28, 2011

Team Tournaments

The Star Online28 January 2011, Kuala Lumpur – In today’s The Star Online portal, SS Quah discusses the spirit of camaderie and having fun at prevailing team chess tournaments. He briefly touched on the recently concluded University Science Malaysia (USM) Team Chess Tournament held in Penang and the meeting of new and old friends.

Apparently the university has a chess and bridge club and the students organise the annual chess individual and team tournaments to earn credits for their co-curriculum activity, as a result, the chess community benefits from this annual chess event held by the chess club. Keep it up guys! Good work!

The ongoing Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands was also highlighted by the article. It has some of the big names in chess with three groups (A, B, C)  of 14 grandmasters competing in a single round robin format chess tournament.

To read more of the newspaper article at The Star Online portal, please click here.

You may read more of the Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2011 at its official website or click here. Or you may see it on this blog, please click here to see the Tata Steel Chess posts.

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