
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nakamura Leads In Group A

18 January 2011, Kuala Lumpur – Here are the brief results of the third round of the Tata Steel Chess Tournment held yesterday. Nakamura leads after the third round after overcoming Alexei Shirov.


Group A (complete results) of Round 3:

Group B (complete results) of Round 3:

Group C (complete results) of Round 3:

Here is the game between Nakamura and Shirov in the third round which was won decisively by Nakamura. The Ruy Lopez opening transpired during the game.

[Event "73rd Tata Steel GMA"]
[Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"]
[Date "2011.01.17"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Nakamura, Hikaru"]
[Black "Shirov, Alexei"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C78"]
[WhiteElo "2751"]
[BlackElo "2722"]
[PlyCount "185"]
[EventDate "2011.01.14"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7. c3 d6 8. a4
Rb8 9. d4 Bb6 10. axb5 axb5 11. Na3 O-O 12. Nxb5 Bg4 13. d5 Ne7 14. Bc2 Qd7 15.Na3 Nexd5 16. h3 Bh5 17. exd5 e4 18. Bg5 Bxf3 19. Qd2 e3 20. Bxe3 Bxe3 21. fxe3 Be4 22. Rxf6 Bxc2 23. Rf4 Bg6 24. Nc4 Ra8 25. Na5 Rfe8 26. Ra3 Be4 27. c4 g5 28. Rf1 g4 29. h4 Qe7 30. Qf2 Bg6 31. b4 h5 32. Rc3 Qe5 33. Rb3 Qe4 34. Rc3 Qe5 35. Rfc1 Be4 36. Qf4 g3 37. Qxe5 Rxe5 38. Ra3 Kg7 39. Rf1 Ree8 40. Rfa1 Re5 41.Nb3 Rxa3 42. Rxa3 Bxd5 43. Nd2 Be6 44. e4 Bg4 45. Rxg3 f5 46. Re3 Re8 47. Kf2 Ra8 48. exf5 Ra2 49. Rd3 Bxf5 50. Rd5 Be6 51. Rg5+ Kh6 52. Ke3 Ra3+ 53. Kd4 Ra1 54. g3 Rd1 55. Kc3 Rg1 56. b5 Rc1+ 57. Kd3 Bf7 58. Nb3 Rd1+ 59. Ke2 Rb1 60. Nd4 Bxc4+ 61. Kd2 d5 62. Nf5+ Kh7 63. Rxh5+ Kg6 64. Rg5+ Kf6 65. Ne3 Rb2+ 66. Kd1 Be2+ 67. Kc1 Rxb5 68. Kd2 Rb2+ 69. Kc3 Rb5 70. Nxd5+ Kf7 71. Re5 Bg4 72. Re7+ Kf8 73. Re4 Bf5 74. Nxc7 Rc5+ 75. Rc4 Re5 76. Rf4 Ke7 77. Kd4 Ra5 78. Nd5+ Ke6 79. Nc3 Ra8 80. g4 Bh7 81. Ke3 Rc8 82. Ne2 Ke5 83. Ra4 Rb8 84. Nd4 Rb1 85. Ra5+ Kf6 86. Kf4 Rf1+ 87. Nf3 Bc2 88. Kg3 Rb1 89. Ra6+ Kg7 90. Nd4 Bd3 91. Rd6 Kf7 92. Kf4 Ra1 93. h5 1-0


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