
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Full Results Of Malaysia-Singapore Chess Ch 2011

Pix 1. Malaysia vs Singapore - Day 1, 31st Dec 2010.
2nd January 2011, Kuala Lumpur – Here are the full results of the four rounds of chess play between Malaysia and Singapore held at the Stansfield Residence 1, Vernon Road, Singapore on the 31st December 2010-1st January 2011. At the end of the results is the summary of team performance of both Malaysia and Singapore.

Final Result: Singapore vs Malaysia 74.5-77.5 (22.5-17.5, 19-19, 14-24, 19-19). Team Malaysia had White pieces on all 38 boards in rounds one and three. Summary of team performance  is shown at bottom of this post. Team Malaysia won this round of the Malaysia-Singapore Chess Challenge series with our Singaporean neighbours. Well done to Malaysia!!



(results courtesy of

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