
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Seven Pairs In 2nd Round Playoffs, WWCC 2010

GM Kateryna Lahno-UKR-2479 9 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur – Seven pairs are in the second round playoffs of this knock out Women’s World Chess Championship 2010 in Turkey.

Among them are defending world champion, GM Alexandra Kosteniuk, GM Kateryna Lahno (pix left) of Ukraine, former world champion, Antoaneta Stefanova of Bulgaria, former world champion Zhu Chen of Qatar.




Results of first rapid playoffs of second round (completed) are shown below:-


Six decisive scores and one drawn in first rapid playoffs. To watch live games, please click here or here (Susan Polgar’s blog).

Here is the first rapid game of the second round playoffs between GM Kateryna Lahno and GM Hoang, Women’s World Chess Championship 2010 in Turkey.


Second rapid playoffs are underway right now.


In the second rapid game of the second round tie-breaker between GM Kosteniuk and IM Khukhashvili gave a win to the defending champion, Kosteniuk. Here is the recently played tie-breaker shown below.


With this win, Kosteniuk goes through to the third round with a 3-1 win over Khukhashvili.

The complete second rapid games show all seven are decisive games as shown below.


Through to the third round are:-

GM Cmilyte Viktorija, LTU 2514 winning 1.5-0.5;

IM Skripchenko, Almira, FRA 2460 winning 2-0;

GM Kosteniuk, Alexandra, RUS 2507 winning 2-0;

GM Lahno, Kateryna, UKR 2522 winning 2-0;

GM Zhu Chen, QAT 2477 winning 2-0;

GM Huang Qian, CHN 2402 winning 2-0;

WGM Ruan Lufei, CHN 2480 winning 2-0.

Huang Qian - CHN In one of the last playoff games of the second rapid games to complete tonight was the game between former world champion, GM Stefanova Antoaneta of Bulgaria against WGM Huang Qian (pix left) of China. Stefanova gave her all in her last game of the tournament but could not save it as Huang queens a pawn and traps her rook with a king check on move 60. Qd6+. Stefanova resigns giving Huang a 3-1 win and a safe passage to round 3.

The game between Stefanova-Huang is shown below:-

* Official website :

* Susan Polgar's blog or click here.

* fireyrook's blog or click here.
* chess-in-malaysia's blog or click here.

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