
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hou Yifan Wins 2nd Game, WWCC2010


Pix 1. WGM Ruan Lufei (facing camera) making her move in Round 6, 2nd Game vs GM Hou Yifan, Women’s World Chess Championship 2010 (WWCC2010), Turkey. (picture courtesy of

22 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur – In the second game of the round 6 of the Women’s World Chess Championship 2010 in Hatay, Turkey, GM Hou Yifan won in an endgame battle between rook and pawn (black) vs rook (white). Yifan played black in the second game.

As a result, GM Hou Yifan now leads 1.5-0.5 in a four game final round 6 to decide the new Women’s World Chess Champion 2010. According to World Chess Federation rankings, Yifan is No. 3 in the world with 2,591 points; Ruan is rated No. 21 with 2,480 points.

Game 3 is about to commence shortly in Hatay, Turkey.



[Event "WWCC 2010"]
[Site "Antakya"]
[Date "2010.12.21"]
[Round "62.1"]
[White "Ruan, Lufei"]
[Black "Hou, Yifan"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B83"]
[WhiteElo "2480"]
[BlackElo "2591"]
[PlyCount "118"]
[EventDate "2010.12.21"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Be2 Be7 7. O-O Nc6 8.
Be3 O-O 9. f4 e5 10. Nxc6 bxc6 11. Kh1 exf4 12. Bxf4 Be6 13. Bf3 Qb8 14. b3 Qb4
15. Qe1 a5 16. Rd1 Rfe8 17. e5 dxe5 18. Bxe5 Rac8 19. Qg3 g6 20. Na4 Nd5 21.
Bxd5 cxd5 22. Bc3 Qg4 23. Qxg4 Bxg4 24. Rxd5 Bb4 25. Bxb4 axb4 26. Rd2 Bf5 27.
Kg1 Rxc2 28. Rxc2 Bxc2 29. Kf2 Bd3 30. Re1 Rc8 31. Ke3 Bb5 32. Rd1 Re8+ 33. Kf4
Re2 34. g4 Bxa4 35. bxa4 Rxa2 36. Rd4 Rxa4 37. h4 Kf8 38. Re4 f6 39. Rc4 Ke7
40. Rd4 Ke6 41. Ke4 Ke7 42. Kf4 h6 43. h5 gxh5 44. gxh5 Kf7 45. Re4 Kf8 46. Kg4
f5+ 47. Kxf5 Ra5+ 48. Kg6 Ra6+ 49. Kh7 Rb6 50. Rf4+ Ke7 51. Rf1 b3 52. Kg7 b2
53. Rb1 Ke6 54. Kxh6 Kf5+ 55. Kg7 Kg5 56. Kf7 Kxh5 57. Ke7 Kg4 58. Kd7 Kf3 59.
Kc7 Rb3


Pix 2. Black played 59…Rb3.

* Official website :

* Susan Polgar's blog or click here.

* fireyrook's blog or click here.
* chess-in-malaysia's blog or click here.

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