
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chess Opening Articles

image 4 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur – For the beginner in chess, here are an index of chess opening articles found from the internet, courtesy of Wikipedia. Simply click on the topics to access the chess articles. Happy reading!


Opening articles


Alapin's Opening talk - Alapin-Diemer Gambit talk - Albin Countergambit talk - Alekhine's Defence talk - Amar Opening talk - Anderssen's Opening talk -


Balogh Defense talk - Baltic Defense talk - Barnes Opening talk - Benko Gambit talk - Benko's Opening talk - Benoni Defense talk - Berlin Defence talk - Bird's Opening talk - Bishop's Openingtalk - Black Knights' Tango talk - Blackburne Shilling Gambit talk - Blackmar-Diemer Gambit talk - Blumenfeld Gambit talk - Bogo-Indian Defence talk - Budapest Gambit talk -


Cambridge Springs Defense talk - Caro-Kann Defence talk - Catalan Opening talk - Center Game talk - Chekhover Sicilian talk - Chess opening talk - Chess opening theory table talk - Chigorin Defense talk - Clemenz Opening talk - Closed Game talk - Colle System talk -


Damiano Defence talk - Danish Gambit talk - Diemer-Duhm Gambit talk - Desprez Opening talk - Dunst Opening talk - Durkin Opening talk - Dutch Defence talk -


East Indian Defence talk - Elephant Gambit talk - Elephant Trap talk - English Defence talk - English Opening talk - Englund Gambit talk - Evans Gambit talk - Exchange variation talk -


Falkbeer Countergambit talk - Fischer Defense talk - Flank opening talk - Fool's mate talk - Four Knights Game talk - Four Pawns Attack talk - Frankenstein-Dracula Variation talk - French Defence talk - Fried Liver Attack talk -


Giuoco Piano talk - Greco Defence talk - Grob's Attack talk - Grünfeld Defence talk - Grünfeld Defence, Nadanian Variation talk - Gunderam Defense talk -


Halloween Gambit talk - Halosar Trap talk - Hedgehog (chess) talk - Hippopotamus Defence talk - Hungarian Defense talk -


Indian Defence talk - Inverted Hungarian Opening talk - Irish Gambit talk - Irregular chess opening talk - Italian Gambit talk - Italian Game talk -


Jerome Gambit talk -


Keres Defence talk - Kieninger Trap talk - King's Gambit talk - King's Knight Opening talk - King's Indian Attack talk - King's Indian Defence talk - King's Indian Defence, Four Pawns Attack talk- King's Pawn Game talk - Kingston Defence talk - Konstantinopolsky Opening talk -


Larsen's Opening talk - Lasker Trap talk - Latvian Gambit talk - Légal Trap talk - List of chess gambits talk - List of chess openings talk - List of chess openings named after animals talk - List of chess openings named after people talk - List of chess openings named after places talk - List of chess traps talk - London System talk - Lopez Opening talk -


Magnus Smith Trap talk - Maróczy Bind talk - Marshall Defense talk - Marshall Gambit talk - Marshall Trap talk - Max Lange Attack talk - Mieses Opening talk - Modern Chess Openings talk -Modern Defense talk - Monkey's Bum talk - Monticelli Trap talk - Mortimer Trap talk -


Napoleon Opening talk - Neo-Indian Attack talk - Nimzo-Indian Defence talk - Nimzowitsch Defence talk - Noah's Ark Trap talk -


Old Indian Defense talk - Open Game talk - Opening book talk - Owen's Defence talk -


Parham Attack talk - Petrov's Defence talk - Philidor Defence talk - Pirc Defence talk - Pirc Defence, Austrian Attack talk - Poisoned Pawn Variation talk - Polish Defense talk - Ponziani Opening talk - Portuguese Opening talk -


Queen's Gambit talk - Queen's Gambit Accepted talk - Queen's Gambit Declined talk - Queen's Indian Defense talk - Queen's Knight Defense talk - Queen's Pawn Game talk -


Réti Opening talk - Rice Gambit talk - Richter-Veresov Attack talk - Rousseau Gambit talk - Rubinstein Trap talk - Ruy Lopez talk - Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation talk - Ruy Lopez, Tarrasch Trap talk -


St. George Defence talk - Saragossa Opening talk - Scandinavian Defense talk - Scholar's mate talk - Scotch Game talk - Semi-Closed Game talk - Semi-Open Game talk - Semi-Slav Defensetalk - Siberian Trap talk - Sicilian Defence talk - Sicilian Defence, Accelerated Dragon talk - Sicilian Defence, Alapin Variation talk - Sicilian Defence, Dragon Variation talk - Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation talk - Sicilian Defence, Scheveningen Variation talk - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav attack, 9.Bc4 talk - Slav Defense talk - Smith-Morra Gambit talk - Sokolsky Opening talk -Staunton Gambit talk - Steinitz Variation talk - Stonewall Attack talk - Symmetrical Defense talk -


Tarrasch Defense talk - Three Knights Opening talk - Torre Attack talk - Trompowsky Attack talk - Two Knights Defense talk -


Van 't Kruijs Opening talk - Vienna Game talk -


Wade Defence talk - Ware Opening talk - Wing Gambit talk - Vienna Game, Würzburger Trap talk -


Zukertort Opening talk -



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