
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Alia, Nur Nabila Jointly Leads Girls NJ 2010

WCMnurNabilaAzmanHisham 19 December 2010, Kuala Lumpur – In the girls section of the National Junior Chess Championship 2010, both Alia Bakri and Nur Nabila Azman Hisham are leading with 7 points each going into the final 9th round today at the OCM Building, Kuala Lumpur.



Girls National Junior Chess Championship 2010 (after round 8):-


Here is the eighth round game between Nur Nabila and Goh Xin Yen which Nur Nabila won as black. She sacrificed her black queen in move 38…Qxc3, in order to promote her b-pawn to regain another new queen.

Alia Anin Azwa Bakri Here is an earlier fourth round game between top seed, Alia Bakri (pix above) against up-and-coming Camilia bt Johari. Alia had a winning end game as black. Black had three pawns and a black bishop against white’s two disconnected pawns and a knight.


To see more results, please click here.

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