
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Picture Gallery of Asian Games 2010

18 November 2010, Kuala Lumpur – Here are some pictures of the Asian Games scenes courtesy of WFM Alia Azwan Anin bt Bakri of Malaysia while she was there representing Malaysia in Women Individual Rapid chess event.

The Malaysian Chess Team with Team Manager, Tuan Hj. Ibrahim b Yaakob, Deputy President of the Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF).
(L to R) Nur Nabila, Alia, Ibrahim, Mok.


In the playing hall of the chess tournament of the Asian Games.
Nabila, Alia and Mok.


(L to R) IM Mok, WCM Nur Nabila, WFM Alia, Ibrahim.


Alia’s first round game against former World Women Champion, GM Zhu Chen of Qatar shown on the screen!


In the playing hall against other opponents with Ibrahim smiling in the background with Alia and Nur Nabila.


By the front podium of the top boards during the Asian Games chess invidual rapid chess events.

Structures within the city of Guangzhou were lit with colourful lights and could be seen from afar as very scenic and breathtaking! One example is shown here (pix left)

(All pictures courtesy of WFM Alia Azwa Anin bt. Bakri, Malaysia)

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