
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Readjusted Final Tables, No-Frills Tournament

5 October 2010, Kuala Lumpur – Due to the new released National Ratings 2010 for the month of October 2010, the arbiter for the No Frills Tournament has redid the final tables for the No-Frills October Tournament held at the Excel Chess Academy, OUG, Kuala Lumpur last 3rd October 2010.

The tournament performance for some players would now be more reflective of their new ratings. The winner, Tin Jun Hao, has a much higher rating of 1564 and an even higher tournament performance of 1826!! And Ethan Wong’s new rating is 1525 and has a tournament performance of 1715!

Pix 1. Ethan Wong.
Vinton Wong, whose new rating is 1634, has a tournament performance of 1548.
Ranking after round 5 of NF10
No. PNo. Name Score WP SB PS rat. TPR W-We
1. 1 TIN JUN HAO 4.5 18.5 16.25 13.5 1564 1826 +1.30
6 ETHAN WONG 4.5 13.5 11.25 13.5 1525 1715 +0.67
3. 7 VINTON WONG 4.0 14.0 9.50 13.0 1634 1548 -0.36
10 LIM MING XIAN 4.0 12.0 7.50 11.0 1326 1550 +1.16
5. 8 HEMANT SATHISH 3.0 13.5 8.00 9.0 1358 1364 +0.05
11 CHEONG JIE YAO 3.0 13.5 6.00 8.0 1479 1317 -0.65
4 YEE JIAN YANG 3.0 13.0 6.00 11.5 1338 1433 +0.65
5 DAWSON TAN SOON WEI 3.0 13.0 5.50 9.0 1410 1293 -0.64
13 LEE ZHI YAN 3.0 11.0 4.50 8.0 1269 1303 +0.20
15 WONG YONG KEN 3.0 11.0 5.50 8.0 1075 1391 +1.48
12 KONG DAK NAM 3.0 9.5 4.50 8.0 1273 696 -0.72
12. 3 SHUM RUI YUAN 2.5 17.0 7.50 10.0 1407 1328 -0.55
9 KUNG KAH HENG 2.5 13.0 4.00 10.5 1353 1346 -0.06
14. 17 PRAVIN KUMAR 2.0 13.5 3.50 5.0 1092 1209 +0.44
18 WONG KAR KIN 2.0 13.5 3.75 6.0 1186 1160 -0.12
2 LIM MING KANG 2.0 13.0 4.50 7.0 1388 1159 -1.55
16 MUKESH KUMAR 2.0 11.5 1.00 5.0 0000 749 0
23 SAURAV KUMAR 2.0 11.5 1.25 6.0 0000 688 0
14 CHEONG KEAT ZHEN 2.0 10.5 2.50 3.0 1293 586 -1.62
22 SUNNY DEV BALACHANDAR 2.0 10.0 1.00 6.0 0000 723 0
21. 20 JASON CHAN 1.0 12.0 0.25 3.0 0000 546 0
19 WONG KAR WENG 1.0 10.0 0.25 2.0 0000 636 0
21 THAVENESH KUMAR 1.0 9.5 0.25 4.0 0000 675 0
Ranking and Games after round 5 of NF10
No. PNo. Name R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Score
1. 1 TIN JUN HAO 11w1 10b1 6w« 7b1 4w1 1 4.5
6 ETHAN WONG 16b1 23w1 1b« 9w1 5b1 -1 4.5
3. 7 VINTON WONG 17w1 22b1 3b1 1w0 8w1 1 4.0
10 LIM MING XIAN 20b1 1w0 18b1 13w1 3b1 -1 4.0
5. 8 HEMANT SATHISH 18b0 14w1 15b1 12w1 7b0 -1 3.0
11 CHEONG JIE YAO 1b0 16w1 23b1 5w0 9b1 -1 3.0
4 YEE JIAN YANG 14b1 18w1 9b« 3w« 1b0 -1 3.0
5 DAWSON TAN SOON WEI 15w0 17b1 21w1 11b1 6w0 1 3.0
13 LEE ZHI YAN 3b0 20w1 2w1 10b0 17w1 1 3.0
15 WONG YONG KEN 5b1 3w0 8w0 20b1 2w1 1 3.0
12 KONG DAK NAM 2w0 19b1 22w1 8b0 16w1 1 3.0
12. 3 SHUM RUI YUAN 13w1 15b1 7w0 4b« 10w0 1 2.5
9 KUNG KAH HENG 19w1 2b1 4w« 6b0 11w0 1 2.5
14. 17 PRAVIN KUMAR 7b0 5w0 14b1 23w1 13b0 -1 2.0
18 WONG KAR KIN 8w1 4b0 10w0 2b0 r1 0 2.0
2 LIM MING KANG 12b1 9w0 13b0 18w1 15b0 -1 2.0
16 MUKESH KUMAR 6w0 11b0 19w1 21b1 12b0 -1 2.0
23 SAURAV KUMAR r1 6b0 11w0 17b0 20w1 0 2.0
14 CHEONG KEAT ZHEN 4w0 8b0 17w0 22b1 21w1 1 2.0
22 SUNNY DEV BALACHANDAR 21b1 7w0 12b0 14w0 19b1 -1 2.0
21. 20 JASON CHAN 10w0 13b0 r1 15w0 23b0 0 1.0
19 WONG KAR WENG 9b0 12w0 16b0 r1 22w0 0 1.0
21 THAVENESH KUMAR 22w0 r1 5b0 16w0 14b0 0 1.0

(source: Jax Tham, ECA)

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