
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ronnie Lim Won In 4th Round!

4th September 2010, Kuala Lumpur – The sensation of the fourth round of the Malaysian Chess Open 2010 was the win by Ronnie Lim over GM Gerhard Schebler of Germany.

The Bogo Indian Opening transpired during play and below is some notes from Fritz 11  analysis.


Pix 1. After black 8… dxc4, the last book move of the Bogo-Indian opening.


Pix 2. Black played 19…Nd5, Black threatens to win the white Queen at e3! White sidesteps and moves the Queen to a3, while protecting the two pawns on a4 and b4.


Pix 3. The critical mistake was made by black on the 40th move, 40…Nd7?? as he could have made the move 40…Kc4 though white is still winning at this stage.


Pix 4. At this juncture, GM Schebler must have assessed the situation as losing. The knight or the black king has to take the white’s b-pawn while White concentrates to push the king side pawns to queen. A sort of fox in the chicken coop situation. Distract the opposite king who is busy defending on the other side of the wing while the white King feasts on the enemy pawns and pushes the white pawns forward. GM Schebler resigned, giving Ronnie Lim a morale boosting win, 1-0.

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