
Friday, August 27, 2010

Malaysia’s Chess Fest!!!!

27 August 2010, Kuala Lumpur – In today’s The Star Online, SS Quah discusses the upcoming Malaysian Chess Festival which will occur over the next 11 days of chess fest at the CitiTel MidValley Kuala Lumpur. He discusses about some of the stars that will be playing in the event and traces some of the past history of the Malaysian Chess Festival in his chess column. He highlighted some of the fears and worries of the organisers and the number of entries so far refutes these worries completely!

Please click here to read more.

One of the top rated Indian GM that will be coming to the Malaysian Chess Festival 2010 is GM Abhijeet Gupta (pix below).
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Also in gilachess’s blog today, gilachess discusses about his discovery about an ex-World Champion Woman Grandmaster entering this year’s chess fest. A picture of GM Xu Yuhua, the WGM is shown above. Please click here to read more of gilachess’ writeup of her.

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