
Friday, June 18, 2010

Kolej Pendeta Za’ba In UKM

18 June 2010, Bangi – Earlier this morning I had trouble locating the tournament venue of the National Chess Championship 2010 in UKM, Bangi. I had to call Abdul Haq Mohamad, the tournament director of the event a couple of times to get the directions right. Well, UKM has many one-way streets that lead to the same roundabout in front of the University Mosque. I nearly completed the full circle of roads within the campus because I was simply confused with the directions. It is located next to the Engineering Department of UKM.
Anyway, when I finally got here, I found the place quite pleasant – the Kolej Pendeta Za’aba (pix below). The playing venue is on the first floor of this building and on the ground floor you have the eaterieries or canteen area where food is relatively inexpensive.

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