
Sunday, May 16, 2010

LarryC Wins First Game In US Championship 2010

16 May 2010 – Two days ago, the first round of the U.S. Chess Championship was played. Among the 24 invited players included GM Larry Christiansenimage, who gives a weekly lecture on the Internet Chess Club on Attack With LarryC

His round 1 game against GM Gurrevich is shown below where the Sicilian Richter-Rauzer transpired.






Pix 1. GM Larry Christiansen, US.


Pix 2. The start of the Sicilian Richter-Rauser game.



Pix 3. White moved 38.Rd1 blocking the check from black rook at f1. After 38…Rxd1+, 39. Nxd1 black runs out of checks and white will checkmate with Qh7#. If black moves 39…. Be7, then 40.Qh7+ Kf8, 41.Qh8#. With that Black resigned.

This game typifies the games that LarryC plays, full of attacking chances and that’s how most chess players like to play. Sac, sac, checkmate!

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