
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Game 10 World Chess Ch 2010

At Sofia, Bulgaria, Topalov started as white and the Exchange Gruenfeld opening transpired. Here are two diagrams from the game played last night in game 10 in the World Chess Championship between GM Anand and GM Topalov. Whoever wins this series of 12 game match will be the new World Chess Champion.


Diagram 1. White played 18. h3.


Diagram 2. White played Bc4 and Anand offered a draw.

Game 10 ended in a draw and the overall score stands at 5-5. Today is a rest day at Sofia for the players. Game 11 will start Sunday, 9 May 2010. A break for one day and the grand finale on Tuesday, 11 May 2010.

Who will win the coveted prize of 1.2 million Euros and to be the World Chess Champion?

Anand or Topalov?

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