
Friday, May 7, 2010

Anand Draws In Game 9, World Chess Ch 2010

7 May 2010 – The ninth game of the World Chess Championship 2010 ended in a draw after 83 moves and with the overall score at 4.5:4.5 each for Anand and Topalov. The Nimzo Indian transpired during the game with Anand playing white.

Here is the last scene of the game after white king moved to f4 leading to a threefold repetition with black queen continually checking white at c1 and g1 at moves 80-83. Topalov was credited for heroically soldiering on only with the black queen after losing its last pawn on move 74. At one stage of the game, black had two queens against white’s pair of rooks. It was probably a heart stopping game had I stayed up to watch.


Tonight the tenth game of the series will be played. Topalov will start the tenth game as white.

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