
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Amier Hamzah’s game against Tun Seri Lanang, 6th Round, DATCC KL Team Chess League 2010

There was a surprise win by Amier Hamzah Zuhri of First Saturday against Tun Seri Lanang of Sea Horse in the sixth round of the KL Chess League 2010 held on the 5th May 2010 recently.

As a result, there has been some requests from readers to have the game published. Najib Wahab has already published the game on today, 13th May 2010.

While fireyrook tries using Fritz and Chessbase to help present the game to you. The game is very interesting until black lost a piece.



Diagram 1. Black moves 13… Bh5.


Diagram 2. White exchanges the rooks at move 31.Rxa8 and black loses control of the c6 pawn.


Diagram 3. Black sacrifices a knight for an attack which fizzled out. Black played 33…Nxe3.


Diagram 4. The queens faces off in move 39 and white took the exchange 40.Qxe8.


Diagram 5. At this point, Amier Hamzah’s plan was to place his white king at g6 and checkmate the black king on g8. This is what he accomplished by moving his white king all the way from g1 to g6. A simple and effective plan and well executed!


Diagram 6. Amier Hamzah achieves his mission. His king is at g6 and in opposition of the black king. Black played 69…Ra1, too late to save his king. White checkmates black 70. Rd8#.

This was the only win by First Saturday Chess Team against SeaHorse who has Malaysia’s no. 1 chess player, IM Mas Hafizulhelmi on board 1. Despite Amier Hamzah’s board win, First Saturday Chess Team still lost to SeaHorse 1.5:2.5. Mind you, his opponent, Tun Seri Lanang, has a FIDE rating of 2081 and listed in the top 100 Malaysian chess players on

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