
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

9th And Last Round DATCC TEAM LEAGUE

26 May 2010 - Ninth Round begins and Peter Long plays for Team AU on board two beside Ian Udani. In the end, Peter Long drew his board 2 game and Team AU won 2.5:1.5  against Price WaterHouse Coopers in their last round game last night.

Meanwhile results of other matches. Nusa Mahkota won 4-0 against Ad-Hoc; 17ChessClub lost 1.5-2.5 to Excel Chess Team; UKM did not send anyone tonight and lost on two boards where First Saturday Chess Team has two players present. First Saturday 2-0.

Tan&Tan were losing 0-3 to KAM MAH with one board still playing when I left at 10.30 pm. Gung Ho lost 0.5-3.5 Think Big, DATCC won magnificiently 3-1 against Sea Horse who did not field IM Mas tonight. While DATCC had the services of S Balendran, Najib Wahab, Azman Hisham Che Doi and Varien Thien tonight and they performed to perfection except for the first board. CS Solutions Ladies Team were leading 2-1 against Black Pearl. Haslindah Ruslan was still playing on first board when I left.

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