
Friday, April 9, 2010

Top Seeds Clash On Top Board In Round 6 Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Saturday, 10th April 2010, the sixth round of the Kuala Lumpur Chess Open 2010 will get started at 9.00 am at the tournament hall, 2nd Floor, Olympic Sports Hotel, Jalan Hang Jebat, Kuala Lumpur.

image Pix 1. GM Hou Yifan, CHN (left) will meet GM Mchedishvili Mikheil, GEO, on first board.

The first two seeds of the tournament will meet on top board tomorrow morning. GM Mchedishvili Mikheil, GEO, will meet GM Hou Yifan, CHN on the first board. Who will win? Come and catch the action tomorrow morning beginning 9 am to witness the battle of the chess pieces.



Other interesting clashes – IM Jimmy Liew will meet Malaysia’s chess prodigy, Yeoh Li Tian on board 24, GM Ziaur Rahman will meet GM Nguyen Anh Dung on board 2, FM Nicholas Chan will meet Zhou Guijue on board 20, Nik Ahmad Farouqi meets WGM Hoang on board 29 and beside him will be Ronnie Lim who will meet WFM Medina Warda Aulia of Indonesia on board 30. And WGM Melnikova Yana, RUS meets FM Muhd Haikal, SIN on board 34.

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