
Monday, April 19, 2010

The Show Has To Go On! Anand-Topalov To Be On Schedule!

19 April 2010 – Chessvibes has reported that the Bulgarian Chess Federation is refusing to accept the postponement request from the All India Chess Federation for the Anand-Topalov World Championship match due to begin the first match on the 23rd April 2010.

image The Bulgarian Chess Federation has quoted serious cost penalties due to contractual obligations with various parties for the timely schedule of the chess event which will have its opening ceremony on 21st April 2010.

With this dilemma, Anand and his team are forced to resume its original schedule as planned despite their transport difficulties at the present moment. Volcanic ash or not, the Bulgarians must have the show go on!

To read more on this, please visit or click here.

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